It’s easy to see why tiny homes have taken Florida by storm. These adorable domiciles are affordable, greener, and require much less upkeep than traditional houses. Some are even mobile for the ultimate in location independence. Although there are plenty of tiny house benefits, many will find an equal number of drawbacks. Researching the trend to see if it might be a fit for you? Compass Self Storage, offering self storage for small homes and larger houses alike, has some tiny house downsides and advantages to consider.
The Small-Home Lifestyle
The tiny-house movement is a relatively new phenomenon, so it’s hard to tell if this lifestyle is sustainable over the long term. For many, sacrificing space for financial freedom—and freedom from so many possessions—isn’t much of a struggle. You’ve probably seen profiles of happy couples who can retire in West Palm Beach years ahead of schedule thanks to their newly minimalist lifestyles. But is the reality of daily life hard to overcome, even in the face of all those tiny house benefits?
Tiny House Downsides
Some, especially those ready to embrace minimalism, have little problem adjusting to life in a compact house. But others fail to realize that going tiny means adjusting to smaller appliances, limited storage space, and very little room to entertain. A “normal” household may be a thing of the past, with many tiny-home owners opting for solutions like kitchen tables tucked under a cabinet or toilets that slide into the shower when not in use. Loft spaces used for sleeping can be challenging for the claustrophobic and tend to heat up quickly in the warmer months.
Solutions for Small Homes
Thankfully, designers and homeowners alike have come up with clever answers to common tiny-home problems. From dual-purpose furniture to paring down possessions, getting creative can make compact living even more rewarding. One idea that works as well for tiny-house dwellers as it does for owners of traditional homes is self-storage. It can be a short-term way to simplify downsizing. Self storage for small homes can also keep your new space tidy in the long run while providing a safe place for seasonal items, sports gear and other belongings.
Storage for Homes Big and Small
Whether you’re looking for a way to retire early or just want a more efficient lifestyle in West Palm Beach, FL, there are many reasons to consider the small-home way of life. But just as there are many tiny house benefits, it’s important to be aware of tiny house downsides as well. Self storage for small homes can make transitioning to this lifestyle easier and more satisfying. Contact Compass Self Storage on Okeechobee Boulevard for more information—or reserve a unit online today!