There are many reasons to rent a storage unit. Off-site storage helps individuals and families of all sizes during temporary life changes. Many people also rely on storage units as long-term solutions to overcrowded work-sites and household clutter. Compass Self Storage in Conyers, GA, can help you make an informed decision about whether to sign a storage lease or go with a monthly rental.
Sign for Savings
If you’re looking to cut costs, signing a storage lease may be a smart idea. Some facilities offer discounts for making a long-term commitment. Even if no discount is involved, you’ll lock in your current rate for the term of the lease – a big advantage in the event of a site-wide price increase. And if you find yourself forgetting to pay bills or simply don’t want another recurring bill, paying in advance could lift weight off your shoulders.
Settle in for the Long Haul
If you’re happy with your self storage facility, you may want to sign a lease to ensure that you can keep your spot for a set amount of time. This is also a good way to establish roots when moving to a new community.
If you live in an up-and-coming or very desirable community, you may find that available storage units are hard to come by. Reserve a unit for the next year or longer so you’ll have a secure space for your extra belongings.
Monthly Rentals
Renting from month-to-month may make sense for a small group of people. If you know you won’t be in the area for more than a few weeks, signing on the dotted line is wasteful. However, some people opt for month-to-month rentals during a move, only to find that they’ve come to rely on that extra space.
If you find yourself in this situation, it makes sense to sign a storage lease. After all, if your home is full immediately upon moving in, it isn’t likely to become less crowded as you accumulate more belongings.
Reserve Your Self Storage Unit at Compass Today.
Whether you need short-term storage while moving cross-country or seek peace of mind during a military deployment or long-term travel, deciding whether to sign a lease or opt for monthly rental can be daunting. Thankfully, the Compass Self Storage team in Conyers, GA, is here to help! Feel free to contact us today for expert storage advice.