As the holiday season draws near and people begin to think about unpacking Christmas decorations, there may be a collective sigh of dread over how to best store them. Christmas trees, lights, and ornaments take up a lot of room in basements and closets. But it’s even worse if they were improperly put away.
Fortunately, the experts here at Compass Self Storage are here to help. We’ll walk through some tips and recommendations for how to tuck away the trimmings when it’s time for the halls to be decked no more.
Christmas Tree Storage
Christmas trees are probably one the bulkiest decorations to put away, and for good reason. Most of the time, putting them back in the box is more trouble than it’s worth. Instead of stressing out about cramming an ill-fitting tree in a busted box and duct taping it closed, consider investing in a tree storage bag or even a large tote built specifically for trees.
Why buy an alternative tree storage option? Airtight storage totes keep trees safe from damage due to water or bugs, while storage bags are flexible enough to squeeze into a tight spot. Many of them even have wheels and handles for easy transportation.
Before you even think about putting the tree in the bag or tote, remove all the decorations. Pre-lit trees can keep their lights, but anything breakable needs to go back in its box.
Ornament Storage
Collecting and hanging keepsake ornaments is one of the most fun parts of the holidays, but what happens when it’s time to take them down? Many of these items are fragile, so it makes sense to keep as much of the original packaging as possible. Depending on your number of ornaments, you may want to buy a clear plastic tote to contain everything.
For glass or plastic balls, the opposite is true. Go ahead and toss out the original packaging. It breaks down easily and crushes under the weight of other ornaments. Instead, ornament storage boxes with dividers make it simple to divide everything up and organize by color or size. Many of them also have handles to make picking up and moving them even easier.
Tangled Christmas Light Storage
Is there anything worse than tangled Christmas lights? Yes, probably. But in the moment, trying to untangle them to hang outside? Not so much. A knotted mess of holiday lighting can suck the cheer from anyone trying to get into the Christmas spirit. That’s why it’s important to take the time to put them away nicely after the season is over.
The original boxes for Christmas lights are just as useless as the ones for ornaments, so don’t feel bad about tossing them out. Instead, invest in a spool for light storage. They can be found online or at home improvement stores around the holiday season. For budget conscious holiday decorators, DIY hacks like these cardboard spools can do the trick, too. In a pinch, a hose reel can suffice.
Storage Tips for Other Decorations
Lights, trees, and ornaments are staples of holiday decor, but what about other items? How should you approach storing those?
Stackable totes are one of the best investments for storage. For those who do not want to spend much time labeling them with permanent markers, clear totes provide an easy way to know exactly which items are in which totes. Otherwise be sure to label everything as it gets packed away.
Where to Store Holiday Decorations
Of course, the next important question beyond how to store holiday decorations is where to store them. And depending on the size of your home, the options may be fairly limited. Small apartments and houses don’t lend themselves to lots of holiday decor, and even larger households with basements may not want to take up space with things that stay in boxes most of the year.
If closet-space is at a premium in your home, consider instead adopting a closet-sized storage unit near your home. With self storage, you can have an affordable, convenient spot for your belongings—including seasonal decor—without taking up valuable space in your apartment or house.
If any of those belongings are susceptible to changes in temperature, a climate-controlled storage unit can help prevent damage. Prefer to rent more storage at once? Your nearest location likely has a variety of unit sizes available, ranging from small lockers for a handful of items to storage units that can accommodate the contents of your whole home!
Visit Compass Self Storage for convenient storage near you.
Finding affordable storage for holiday decorations, hobby rooms, or even garage clutter isn’t an issue when you visit Compass Self Storage. At your nearest location, you can learn about how to best pack items for a move or for long-term storage. We even have boxes and packing supplies available to simplify the process! Speak with one of our friendly storage professionals to learn more about our facility features, visit us today for a tour, or rent or reserve your unit online.